How We Connect Kids with Meals

We have plenty of food in the United States. The problem is that not enough kids are able to access it.

No Kid Hungry is the only national campaign committed to ending childhood hunger in the U.S. This is a problem we know how to solve - but we need your help.

Here’s how can work together to help give kids the fuel to reach their full potential.

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School Meals

Schools are at the center of our communities and our kids’ lives. Parents know and trust the people who work at their neighborhood schools, and schools have the facilities and staff needed to feed kids every day.

No Kid Hungry helps launch and grow feeding programs at schools to get food to the kids who need it.


No Kid Hungry distributes grants to schools, food banks and community groups across the nation to help them get what they need to feed kids. During the pandemic, tens of thousands of school meals programs suddenly needed all kinds of equipment, from delivery trucks to protective gear for workers to packaging for delivery meals.

These are the kinds of items No Kid Hungry helps pay for through grants.


One of the most important ways No Kid Hungry helps connect children with meals is by being strong advocates for them.

We work with national, state and local elected leaders on both sides of the aisle, fighting for policies that help families make ends meet - from expanding food assistance programs to cutting through red tape to help feed children during the pandemic.


No Kid Hungry works with celebrities, chefs, news media and major companies to make sure everyone sees the crisis of childhood hunger in the United States, knows what they can do to help end it and can find resources if they need help.

Our free meals finder map and texting line has helped millions of families find free meals for their kids in times of crisis and not.

Research & Policy

In communities across the country, No Kid Hungry works with educators and local leaders to learn how their programs work.

Then we take those ideas and share them far and wide so that everyone working to feed kids has the resources, support and know-how they need to get the job done.

Early Childhood

Though schools and community programs are an effective way to reach older children, to help the youngest kids, we need to help their parents and caregivers.

No Kid Hungry is exploring ways to better reach very young children through programs at doctors’ offices and local child care centers, as well as efforts to strengthen federal programs like WIC and SNAP.

Turn Up To Give

It’s on all of us to ensure every child in America can count on three healthy meals a day, especially as so many families are still struggling in the wake of the pandemic. The good news? Childhood hunger is a solvable problem, but it’s going to take all of us.

*$1 can help provide 10 meals. No Kid Hungry does not provide individual meals; your donations help support programs that feed kids. Learn more at

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